< BASE HREF="http://www.panix.com/~vjp2/"> Samani Marions Panyaught Consultancy, NYC

Samani Intl Entpses



Vox: +1-607-748-2180

CONTACT: Vasos Panagiotopoulos, Strategy Consultant (Bio & Math Firms),

Samani Marions Panyaught Consultancy.

eMAIL: vjp2@biostrategist.com

Focuses on biotechnology, medical devices, and heavily mathematical software.

Trained in bio-fluid mechanics and innovation management.

Former Columbia Bioengineering Research Assistant for Prof Richard Skalak.

Formerly advised restructuring of Columbia MBA Technology Management course.

Former NY Federal Reserve Analyst.


Samani was founded in 1977.
Samani Marions Panyaught Consultancy provides business advice to highly technical firms.


Providing advisory and liaison services in:

Technological Proficiencies Include:



Currently involved with and/or have access to (intentionally obfuscated to preserve confidentiality) include: tactile VR, quantum SOI, relativistic X-rays, EKG/pacemaker AI, immunophysics, solid-state DNA detection, AI combinatorial chemistry, cancer treatments, non-viral DNA vectors, magnetic separation, anatomical FEA, endosurgical & cardiovascular devices, bioremediation.. Ambitious Biotechnologies. * Ambitious Regressions. *

Typical Assignments:

Advised a medical physics company on strategic partnering opportunities via both personal contacts as well as searches on proprietary datatbases. Advised both a bio-pharmaceutical and a medical device firm on finding unregulated uses for their products and by-products so as to decrease potential investor downside risk. Advised a funding intermediary on due dilligence on a mathematical engineering software venture by finding experts to assist in evaluation.

FEES: $375/hr

(+expences; $1000 min retainer), 5% commission for direct intro. Standard Lehman Bros. Formula Fee (5%-1%) for Merchant Banking Introductions. $1750 for 2000 word, 1 manweek, mailordered reply to 500 word question Register in our client database